Friendly & Professional Pharmacy Services in Vernon, BC

Free patient parking at rear entrance doors and free delivery available.

Headshot of Jamie Nicolson, Pharmacist and Owner of Jamie's Pharmacy
Jamie Nicolson BSc. BSP, CDE
Pharmacist, Owner, Certified Diabetes Educator


Family Owned


Conveniently Located in Downtown Vernon

2802 30 St #103, Vernon BC

Free Patient Parking at Rear Entrance

Park and come right in.
We’re open Monday to Friday
9am – 6pm (except some holidays)


What We Do

  • Certified Diabetes Educator
  • Insulin Pump Training
  • Vaccinations
  • Delivery Available
  • Pharmacist Prescribing for Minor Ailments

Jamie’s Pharmacy is the 1st and only Pharmacy in BC to carry Omnipod Insulin Pumps

Logo for iEMR App

Download the iEMR App

Download on Apple App Store button
Google play badge

To use the App, you must:

  • be a current patient with Jamie’s Pharmacy
  • have a mobile cellular device with a phone number registered with Jamie’s Pharmacy
  • have the App downloaded onto your mobile device

Please make sure to update any changes to your cell phone number to Jamie’s Pharmacy to continue to use this service..